Makers' Collection Gift Subscription

Set the length of your subscription plan for monthly deliveries:

Place your order before the 15th of the month for delivery within the same month. Orders placed later will be sent the following month.

Our Makers’ Collection Monthly Gift Subscription features a curated selection of single-origin, two-ingredient chocolate bars, hand-picked by our Chocolate Makers and sent monthly to your giftee, for your desired duration. Each delivery will contain an assortment of six chocolate bars (two bars each, from three distinctive cocoa origins), and will be shipped between the 5th and 10thof the month.

Your recipient will receive a wide variety of chocolates — including special, extra-limited-batch bars — and explore the fascinating range of flavors offered by our cocoa origins. The first delivery will be accompanied by a brief introduction to our chocolate philosophy, plus a step-by-step tasting guide for two-ingredient chocolate.

How It Works

Gift subscription bars standing up


Choose how frequently you’d like to receive your bar delivery.


Box of subscription bars


Your bars will ship between the 5th and 10th of each month. If you place an order to begin a subscription before the 15th, your first delivery will be shipped immediately.


Opening a chocolate bar


Savor your first set, and explore different flavors and origins with each delivery.


Gift subscription bars standing up


Choose how frequently you’d like to receive your bar delivery.

Box of subscription bars


Your bars will ship between the 5th and 10th of each month. If you place an order to begin a subscription before the 15th, your first delivery will be shipped immediately.

Opening a chocolate bar


Savor your first set, and explore different flavors and origins with each delivery.

Cocoa beans in a pile

Two-Ingredient Chocolate, Multiple Flavor Families

Our chocolate contains just two ingredients: cocoa beans and organic cane sugar. Since our earliest days, we've focused on bringing out the nuances within really good cocoa, using only ethically sourced, well-fermented, carefully roasted cocoa beans, and organic cane sugar. Using just two ingredients showcases our beans’ most intriguing flavors at their best.

Subscribe to discover the variety of flavors in our cocoa origins.

Illustration Icon fudgy


Illustration Icon floral


Illustration Icon fruity


Illustration Icon nutty


Illustration Icon herbal


Illustration Icon fudgy


Illustration Icon floral


Illustration Icon fruity


Illustration Icon nutty


Illustration Icon herbal


Holding a subscription bar box

Frequently Asked Questions

could I include a personalized message with the gift?
Yes, you can include a personalized message during the checkout process. The message will be included with the first box.
Do you offer warm-weather shipping?
During the summer we pack orders with ice packs in temperature-controlled totes.
When will the gifting subscription start?

If you place your order on or before the 15th of the current month, your subscription will begin that month, and your first order will be shipped out within the next few days.

For orders placed after the 15th of the current month, your subscription will begin the following month. Your first box will be shipped between the 5th and 10th of the next month.

If you have further questions, requests, or issues with your order, please contact us through any of our channels. Click here to learn more.